
The Paris Climate Change Agreement is an Epic Failure

| 15. Dezember 2015

Ein Gastbeitrag von Will Denayer

One thing is certain: as long as the same people are in power we will get nowhere. The expectations for COP21 within the climate change science community were not high to begin with (see, for example, here), but nothing prepared for the disappointment that is being felt now. The conference is over and there is an agreement (see here for the text). Art. 2 states the intention of keeping global temperature rise below 2° C and mentions that ‘efforts’ will be made to limit the rise to 1.5 ° C. In order to reach this goal, CO2 emissions have to peak 'as soon as possible' (Art. 3). A ‘mechanism’ will contribute to the mitigation of greenhouse gases (which one is never explained – it probably refers to the reviews that will be made every five years). Art. 4 sets the global goal of 'enhancing adaptive capacity, strengthening resilience and reducing vulnerability' (how this will happen is never explained). Art. 6 stipulates that the developed countries 'shall provide new/additional/adequate/predictable/accessible/scaled-up finances to assist developing countries’ (this is according to the text of the final draft from Saturday afternoon – how, how much and to accomplish what and where is never explained). Art. 7 states that the developed countries ‘shall strengthen cooperative action of technology development and transfer’ to developing countries. Art. 8 deals with 'capacity building with countries with the least capacity.' The rest deals with ratification and with the ratchet mechanism that will evaluate 'progress' every five years. The words 'fossil fuels' or 'coal,' 'oil' and 'gas' do not occur. There is absolutely nothing concrete, nothing precise, there are no strategies, no instruments, there is no timetable and, as I will explain, there are no realistic goals.


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