
Whatever happened to the Arab (economic) Spring?

| 08. November 2013

I pity the poor immigrant
Who tramples through the mud
Who fills his mouth with laughing
And who builds his town with blood
Whose visions in the final end
Must shatter like the glass
Bob Dylan, “Pity the Poor Immigrant”

After almost three years of a still undecided struggle otherwise known as the “Arab Spring”, the globally welcomed demonstration of the Arab peoples turning out in the millions to oppose seemingly invincible Arab regimes has largely soured. The first flush of hope that the region was about to undergo a revolutionary democratic transformation has been replaced, for many of its supporters, by deep pessimism and scepticism as to whether the peoples of the region can escape the adverse legacy of tribalism, sectarianism and ethnic rivalry. The earliest rallying cries for bread, jobs and social justice have been replaced by the drone of murderous civil war and regional conflict being fought out in Syria, the restoration of populist military rule in Egypt, inter-Muslim sectarian strife and a variety of stand-offs elsewhere in the region. What has gone so terribly wrong?


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